Stallholder, food truck, performer and parade applications are due 21st March 2025.
Stallholder, food truck, performer and parade applications are due 21st March 2025.
Volunteering is fun and rewarding. Learn about how we work and ways you can help produce this amazing community event.
Chair, funfair, marketing, communications, licensing, volunteers, ticket sales and tech
parade planning, compliance, ticketing
Secretary, licencing, insurance, compliance
Entertainment, sponsorships, programme, parade, snagging
Stallholders, market and hot food providers, licensing
Royal Court, stage booking and coordiantion of local D'Mains performers
Sponsorships, programme, Lauriston Castle liaison, advisor
Health and safety, PSA liaison, volunteers, tombola, supplies, snagging
Advisor, Court attire alterations
Football tournament organiser (non-committee member)
Race Organiser (non-committee member)
Bring your ideas 💡🙂
Committee Meetings - approx 1 / month
We usually meet on a Thursday at 7:30 pm, at Toby Carvery, or at a committee member’s home. On average, we meet about once a month. There are rarely meetings over the summer and a few extra check-ins closer to Gala day. Don't worry, it's ok to miss meetings. Simply send us an update via WhatsApp so we have any information required for our meeting.
Occasional Zoom Calls
Sometimes we just need is a quick check-in call to avoid lengthy WhatsApp chats or when an in-person meeting isn't suitable for committee members. We use a free Zoom account so calls are limited to 40 minutes which keeps ups super focused and saves time.
WhatsApp Groups
To decrease unnecessary messages, we run various chat groups such as:
Volunteer Booking Site
Commitees not your thing? Easily sign up for specific jobs relating to our events.
Each committee member or volunteer gets to choose the areas on which they would like to work.
Jobs are divided up to avoid any member taking on too much work.
Join our next meeting
Usually on a Thursday at 7:30 at Toby Carvery on Lauriston Farm Road. Contact us to learn when the next meeting will take place.
Volunteer Booking Site
Easily sign up for specific jobs to help with events.
Email questions or offer your time for specific tasks.
Davidson's Mains Children's Gala
Davidson's Mains, Edinburgh, UK